Maximising customer value with Danfoss DrivePro® Services

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As you’re probably aware, Danfoss VLT® Drives act as your “work horse” for reduction of energy consumption, improve equipment efficiency, safety and the working environment.

Complimentary to VLT® Drives is DrivePro®, your Danfoss “insurance” – there for you whenever and wherever you need. As your local DrivePro® partner we will ensure your satisfaction from the start, and make sure you optimise your Danfoss product throughout its lifecycle.  We will go beyond device maintenance, repairs and replacements to deliver expert services and advice that bring added value to your process and business. 

Choose the services you need:

With DrivePro® services you get these benefits and more:

  • Industry’s longest warranty coverage, up to six years
  • Spare parts support well beyond discontinuation of a product line
  • 24/7 delivery from the factory or global stocks
  • One call, one single point of contact
  • Original equipment replacement parts
  • Authorized service technicians

With a Danfoss VLT® Drive and the bonus of DrivePro® – you will be well equipped to optimise the lifecycle of your product. 

What’s the value of good service?

Can you really place a value on something intangible like service? When your drives are operating within design limits, the typical lifecycle scenario is like this: each drive runs reliably, perhaps with a repair or two during the product lifetime if proper maintenance hasn’t taken place. Performance and value decrease gradually until, finally, the drive reaches its design life, is replaced, and the cycle begins again.  

The diagram below shows a Drive lifecycle when operating within design limits: 

Under very harsh operating conditions, the drive runs outside its design limits and, after the expiry of the warranty period, your system rapidly experiences lost value due to performance below the intended level as explained in the following image:

If, in addition to harsh operating conditions, the installation and commissioning processes are sub-optimal, then you lose additional value. A drop in performance occurs early in the life of the new system as explained in scenario 3 below: 


This is where we can see the true value of good lifecycle management by drives experts. With timely action in the form of maintenance, upgrade and finally retrofit at the end of product life, your installation continues to increase in value and performance level.


So, what can DrivePro® services do for you?

  • DrivePro® services add value to your processes and business. You win efficiency, predictability and peace of mind.
  • DrivePro® experts deliver know-how: they understand the special characteristics, needs and requirements of your AC-drive applications, your industry and your business.
  • DrivePro® services ensure you have access to all the latest innovations in the form of upgrades or exchanges – and in this way they keep you at the forefront. Because we understand your application needs, we are confident in making recommendations for the future.

When uptime is critical, DrivePro® services simply keep you covered.

Learn more by watching this video.

If you’re interested to find out more and / or book a free assessment please contact us on or 1300 655 952. We’re here to help.