
Have you noticed our tagline? We’re all about HVAC with MORE – we’re committed in providing you with MORE than just products – more availability, more reliability and more capability.  Our genuine passion to provide service excellence is what makes us different.

  • More Availability: We’ll be accessible from start to finish – from providing the right advice, to ensuring order fulfilment, and following up post-implementation.
  • Reliability: Our commitment to responsive service, combined with our sales support and technical expertise means you can rest assured we’ll deliver.
  • Capability: Our team takes a proactive approach to adding value wherever possible including education, training and assistance from key suppliers.

24/7 Technical Support

We offer 24/7 technical support and onsite visits. Call 1300 655 952 or email for technical advice or support.

Free Quotes: Enquire now

To request a quote please contact us on 1300 655 952 or Alternatively, click here and complete our form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Training Available

We offer customised training and product demonstrations suited to your needs. Register you interest or contact us for more info.